A. Dougan - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Stephen Payne - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
In July 2009, the Department of Energy Office of Dismantlement and Transparency sponsored a Workshop at LLNL by HQWLWOHG????³$GYDQFHG??5DGLDWLRQ??'HWHFWLRQ??0DWHULDOV??IRU??6DIHJXDUGV??1'$´????7KH?? goals of the workshop were to bring together experts on materials research, radiation detection and safeguards; to better understand the needs for new radiation detector materials for Next Generation Safeguards; and to identify the research required to introduce these new materials into commercial- off-the-shelf detectors. The Workshop was focused on materials that have not yet been implemented for gamma or neutron detectors to address challenges in safeguards. For gamma detectors, we discussed possible routes to a portable in-field gamma detector that might be employed in a Complementary Access Inspection as well as detectors that could be used to measure enrichment. Many neutron detectors were proposed as substitutes for helium-3 detectors. These new neutron detectors might be used for multiplicity counters, or to measure neutron energy or spent fuel. We discussed detector material prospects for harsh environments such as acid or salt baths, high temperatures, cold and humid environments, or high radiation fields. In this paper we will recount many of the topics of this workshop.