JNC began studies on transparency in nuclear non-proliferation in 1993. The main objective of this effort is to assure the transparency of JNC’s plutonium utilization and build confidence in Japan’s non-proliferation efforts. A joint study with Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) started in 1995 to develop the Joyo Remote Monitoring System to demonstrate transparency technologies. The Joyo RMS integrates data from a range of sensors including digital cameras, neutron and gamma detectors, door sensors, motion detectors with data review and processing software. Another related project developed remote monitoring for an unattended NDA system at PFPF for IAEA safeguards. JNC’s experience from these projects shows that remote monitoring systems can demonstrate transparency to promote confidence in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and improve the reliability of international non-proliferation regimes. JNC will continue to advance its transparency systems research and is considering these future directions: 1. Application of a virtual private network (VPN) to Joyo RMS to evaluate the capability to securely share information with other research laboratories 2. Evaluation of the Joyo RMS to demonstrate transparency of JNC’s plutonium utilization 3. Investigate other means to improve transparency such as core neutron flux data to indicate facility operational status and environmental radiation monitoring. 4. Investigate the effective utilization of RMS for IAEA safeguards use to reduce inspection costs for the agency and inspection sites. 5. Development and evaluation of a program of regional collaboration and for non-proliferation and transparency This paper reviews JNC’s remote monitoring and transparency efforts and presents the plans for future work in these areas.