KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) has been conducting nuclear nonproliferation studies in conjunction with advanced nuclear fuel cycle development. Since the early 1990s, when the DUPIC (Direct Use of PWR spent fuel in CANDU reactors) fuel cycle development program began under the joint study between ROK, the US, and Canada, a Safeguards-By-Design concept for DUPIC facilities has been developed, and a reliable nonproliferation technology through joint research with the IAEA has been attempted. During the 2000s, when pyroprocessing fuel cycle research began, significant effort was devoted to nuclear nonproliferation studies, including the development of safeguards techniques. Since the late 2000s, KAERI has been developing and analyzing a safeguards system and approach for an engineering-scaled example pyroprocessing model (REPF: Reference Engineering-scale Pyroprocessing Facility) and provided the results to the IAEA through an MSSP (Member State Support Program). KAERI also has been providing technical lectures and field training opportunity to support the IAEA training course on pyroprocessing safeguards since 2017. Furthermore, KAERI has contributed greatly to the development of the proliferation resistance evaluation methodology by taking a leading role in IAEA INPRO (International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles) and GIF (Gen-IV International Forum). In addition, the successful implementation of the multilateral cooperation project for the development and qualification of high-density LEU fuels agreed upon at the 2012 NSS (Nuclear Security Summit) was recognized by the international community, especially regarding KAERI’s relevant technologies and efforts on the minimization of civil uses of HEU. KAERI is continuing its nonproliferation research such as the development of safeguard systems and proliferation resistance enhancement for the innovative nuclear fuel cycles including spent fuel treatment, which shall contribute to strengthening international efforts to secure nuclear nonproliferation.