Highly accurate and precise analysis of nuclear materials in swipe and environmental samples plays essential roles in monitoring undeclared nuclear activities for safeguards. KAERI, an official candidate of IAEA-NWAL(network of analytical laboratories), has been developing bulk analysis techniques for nuclear materials in ultra-trace levels with state-of-the-art analytical instruments. The techniques covered sample screening, ashing, acid digestion, chemical separation using UTEVA resin, and isotopic and quantitative measurements utilizing TIMS and MC-ICP-MS combined with isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). Background uranium minimization and a newly developed data correction method for peak tailing effect were applied to enhance accuracy and sensitivity of measurement. The techniques and the procedures employed in KAERI for bulk analysis was verified with analysis using nano-gram of uranium certified reference materials showing excellent agreements with the certified values. Recently KAERI is carrying out bulk analysis of IAEA test samples for NWAL qualification.