Complementary Access (CA) is one of the key activities in the implementation of the Additional Protocol (AP) in states that have this legal instrument in force. CA is a principally new instrument for the IAEA inspectors. That is why the training of the CA is an important part of the Enhanced Training curriculum developed by the Safeguards Training Section. Originally the inspectors received training at the two days seminar only the Headquarters addressing the basic principles of the CA, and main stages of CA implementation. Roles and responsibilities of the IAEA staff involved at different stages of the CA planning, implementation, reporting and evaluation results were also discussed. At the same time, since experience obtained by the Agency on the AP was growing it was deemed that a more indepth training could be successfully implemented including in-field CA exercise under nearreal conditions using the procedures and best practices of CA existing in the Divisions of Operations could be successfully implemented. This paper describes the existing training programme relating to CA activities with particular emphasis drawn on preparations for, scope and experiences obtained in the development of a AP/ CA training course. The first two AP/ CA training courses were conducted at “simulated sites” offered by a member state and CA activities were practiced under controlled circumstances.