Staff from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory have been working with leaders at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia to create a self-sustaining Materials Protection, Control and Accounting program at JINR. This work has been ongoing since May of 1996 and a site commissioning ceremony was held in February, 1998 to mark the completion of the upgrades and the beginning of a multiyear sustainability program. JINR operates two research reactors and thus has a requirement for storing both fresh and spent nuclear fuel. The MPC&A upgrades at JINR have been in the following categories: 1) physical protection improvements for the Central Storage Facility; 2) relocation and physical protection improvements at the Central Alarm Station; 3) implementation of a site-wide radiocommunications system; 4) access control upgrades at the main entrance to JINR; 5) development and incorporation of a computerized materials control and accounting system; 6) development of a physical inventory taking and a tamper indicating program; and 7) creation and implementation of a sustainability program involving operating procedures, training, preventative maintenance, self-assessment and outreach to other sites.