The use of radiation imaging techniques to provide increased confidence in a dismantlement verification regime is still under investigation. Currently, radiation measurements can be used to confirm attributes such as the presence, quality, and mass of containerized nuclear material. However, imaging techniques can be used to confirm the shape, size, and/or symmetry of the object being interrogated. Imaging can be used as a complementary technique to radiation measurements to confirm a declaration or as a chain of custody measure to confirm that an item has not been tampered with. As with other attribute measurements, the image data must be protected behind an information barrier and analyzed to give an unclassified result when compared to an agreed upon threshold. This paper will discuss the use of Optically Stimulated Luminescence to perform autoradiography of sources using coded apertures to differentiate between point sources and various distributed sources. The coded aperture chosen for this application is based on modified uniform redundant arrays (mURAs) which resulted in the design and manufacture of an efficient, high-resolution mURA mask/antimask system. The potential use of the autoradiography technique with the coded aperture as an intrinsic information barrier and the required protection of the mask and unfolding algorithm will also be GLVFXVVHG??????7KLV??SURMHFW??KDV??EHHQ??VXSSRUWHG??E\\??WKH??8??6????'HSDUWPHQW??RI??(QHUJ\\¶V??1DWLRQDO?? 1XFOHDU??6HFXULW\\??$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ¶V??2IILFH??RI??'LVPDQWOHPHQW??DQG??7UDQVSDUHQF\\?? (DOE/NNSA/NA-241).