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Since 1985 SKB has operated a national sea transport system for transport of spent fuel and radioactive waste to the intermediate storage facility for spent fuel, Clab and the final repository for low- and intermediate level waste, SFR in Sweden. During the last few years this system has also been used for transport of large contaminated objects such as steam generators and reactor vessel lids. The transports have been performed from the Swedish nuclear power plants to Studsvik, an industrial installation specialized in decontamination, cutting, melting and conditioning of large radioactive components. Studsvik as well as all nuclear plants and storage facilities are located at the Swedish coast with their own harbours. This is why sea transport performed by the SKB sea transport system is preferred. Transports of core components are today performed with the sea transport system from the nuclear power plants to the Clab facility. Storage of core components at Clab is quite costly as it is primarily foreseen for storage of spent fuel. SKB, in co-operation with the Swedish nuclear power plants, is now developing a new concept for dry storage of core components at an existing underground storage facility, BFA, at the Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant. The paper will describe this new concept including design of a new type B cask for transport of the core components from the nuclear plants to this intermediate dry underground storage in Oskarshamn.