When Sweden joined the European Communities on and a LEU (“Low Enriched Uranium”) fabrication the 1st of January 1995 the Swedish nuclear plant. It explains how the transition took place, how all installations had been the subject of IAEA safeguards these adjustments were made and what the situation is for many years. From that date onwards Euratom now. A few reflections on the future outlook are also safeguards had to be implemented. given. To ensure conformity with the Euratom Regulation, the Swedish fuel fabrication plant ABB Atom implemented INTRoDu12m0N substantial modifications in the nuclear material control systeq these had to be operational in a very DESCRIPTION OF ABB ATOM short time. The inspection activities underwent extensive review as well, to optimise them and to make In 1968 the fimt ASEA fuel fabrication building was them fit into the verification methods of Euratom.