The nuclear power industry is an important part of the Ukrainian national economy, having accounted for approximately 45% of the total electricity produced in 1997. The commercial power grid consists of five nuclear power stations with fourteen reactors. In addition to nuclear power production, research involving nuclear materials is conducted in several national institutes in Ukraine. Improving the security of the nuclear material under its control is an important goal for the Ukrainian nuclear community. Several IAEA member states are collaborating with Ukraine to improve the protection, control & accounting of its nuclear materials. The focal points of U.S. collaboration with Ukraine on nuclear safeguards are the national regulatory authority, a nuclear power station, two national science centers, and a nuclear industry training institute. The U.S. Department of Energy has delivered equipment and software that support material control and accounting (MC&A) to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety, the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant, the Kiev Institute of Nuclear Research, the Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology, and the Sevastopol Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry. This paper summarizes MC&A accomplishments of the program to date and our plans to complete MC&A upgrades.