Personal Computer Tools for Inventory Difference Analysis Using Off-the-shelf Software

Joseph D. Rivers - Science Applications International Corporation
Kenneth A. Owen - Science Applications International Corporation
Department of Energy (DOE) policy requires statistical evaluation of inventory difference (ID) data, as well as other analyses using \"valid statistical\" techniques; timely analysis requires the use of automated tools. Custom computer software is extremely expensive to develop, train, and maintain. Custom programs are frequently limited to a single, very specific application, unique to one facility. The rapid advances in personal computer hardware and software make the desktop computer an attractive and affordable analytical tool for use by Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) personnel. A prototype system is being developed, using off-theshelf (OTS) data management, spreadsheet/graphics, and statistical software, to both manage ID data and support analysis. The system provides simple, menu-driven screens that can be easily manipulated by personnel having no extensive technical knowledge, yet can still provide analysts with computing power to perform more sophisticated analyses. The system provides both analysts and managers with flexible reports and graphic displays that can be output to any device supported by the OTS package. The use of OTS software allows analysts the flexibility to apply these tools to other applications, such as analyzing shipper/receiver differences, while greatly reducing the original development cost of applications.