The Active Well Coincidence Counter (AWCC) Cross Calibration Workshop at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE)?

Wayne Ruhter - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hiroshi Hoida - Los Alamos National Laboratory
R. Marshall - Los Alamos National Laboratory
N. Ensslin - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A. Mozhayev - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
V. S. Fedorov - Bochvar Institute of Inorganic Materials
There is a general shortage of NDA standards in many Russian nuclear facilities that limit their ability to carry out inventory verification measurements. The cross calibration technique can be used as an interim measure to alleviate the shortage of physical standards and quickly calibrate new NDA instruments. In addition, the cross calibration technique has the potential to reduce the final number of physical standards needed at each facility, thereby reducing costs and speeding up the process of verifying existing inventories. The AWCC Cross Calibration Workshop was held at Obninsk, Russia on February 1-3, 2000. This workshop has been intended to review existing cross calibration performance, to conduct a demonstration measurement exercise and propose a plan of action for development of formal cross calibration procedures, including dissemination of the information to appropriate Russian facilities and implementation in the facilities. The workshop was attended by measurement specialists from LLNL, LANL, Bochvar, MEPhI, Automatics and IPPE. Demonstration measurement exercise module was held using two AWCC systems. This paper will describe the workshop activities and report on the measurement results obtained during the demonstration measurement exercise.