The Critical Role of Central MPC&A Training and Educational Resources for Effective and Sustainable National and Site-Wide MPC&A Systems

Hastings Smith - Los Alamos National Laboratory),
Carrie Mathews - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
James Farmer - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Whit Creer - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Debbie Dickman - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Under the US-Russian collaboration to improve nuclear material protection, control, and accountability (MPC&A), many upgraded safeguards systems are in place at Russian sites, implementation is under way at many others, and national oversight and regulation of MPC&A is growing. Successful operation of these systems depends upon operators, managers, and nuclear material handlers who are well trained in MPC&A policies, procedures, and technologies. Accomplishment of this requires education and training resources that maintain operational expertise, keep managers current on national MPC&A regulations, make new specialists available as old ones retire, and foster a communal spirit among MPC&A specialists that encourages exchange of ideas and sharing of successful modes of operation. The existing centralized MPC&A Training Institutes are available to establish subject-matter expertise for mentors and instructors. Similarly, support of the national MPC&A systems by these central training facilities should involve regular distribution to the sites of generic training and reference materials to help site training developers and operators prepare for further training or serve as a trainer/developer. Russian specialists at the sites need to establish strong and recurring ties with these centralized training institutes through attendance at appropriate MPC&A courses, support of student MPC&A interns, and service as adjunct faculty. This paper will describe the current and future roles of the existing central MPC&A training and MPC&A educational institutions in Russia. We will also discuss how the current missions of these resources are being enhanced and modified to address MPC&A training needs at the site and national levels.