A Proposal of Evaluation Means for Near Real Time S/R D

Masahiro Kikuchi - Nuclear Material Control Center
Shojchiro Masuda - Nuclear material Control Center
Motoyuki Yamada - Nuclear Material Control Center
According to the INFCIRC/153 type agreement, the report of the difference between the quantity of material in a batch as stated by the shipping material balance area and as measured at the receiving material balance area is required. However, in the reprocessing plant with continuous dissolving process, it is difficult to ascertain the shipper/receiver difference(S/RD) values in a batch by batch. The values of S/RD will be ascertained as the difference of accumulated values between the dissolved materials and accounted materials at the input accountability vessel through one campaign. On a viewpoint of timeliness, it will need to apply the near real time S/RD monitoring means to the area between dissolving and input accounting. The S/RD monitoring means which is based on the same statistic method as the ARBI, will be proposed.