This article relates the history of the creation of the ESARDA working Group on Verification Technologies and Methodologies (VTM) which is closely linked to the Association's one. After a brief introduction to ESARDA, I gives a quick overview of the objectives, activities and product of the VTM as the prospects for the years to come. ESARDA, the European Safeguards Research and Development Association has just passed the age of 40 and could look back on a wealth of achievements in the European safeguards area. ESARDA strives to raise the awareness for the non proliferation both in Europe and on an international scale. One of the youngest Working Group of ESARDA is the VTM Working Group which has been founded in 2003. The VTM approach is to consider verification issues globally \"the big picture\" for a mutual benefit of different regimes. VTM mission stems from the acknowledgment of the need for a forum where to discuss on verification issues of multinational instruments. The topics addressed in VTM cover a wide range of verification issues: nuclear and non- nuclear treaties, research and development of innovative verification technologies, synergies between verification regimes, implementation of advanced verification technologies and approaches as IAEA safeguards, CTBT, exports controls, Chemical and Biological Weapons convention, Arms Control and Disarmament issues, Fissile Material Cut-off treaty, Environmental treaty (Kyoto protocol). The VTM try to provide the non proliferation and security community with expert advice on modern verification technologies and methodologies and to act as a forum for the exchange of relevant information in this area. Individual working group members volunteer to prepare discussion and working papers, subgroups have been established, conferences and meetings with special topics are performed. During the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 the VTM had presentations and discussions on various topics which will be presented as examples Two publications have been issued on treaty verification and satellite imagery during the last years and a further book publication is planned on the complex field of proliferation resistance. The next challenges will be to support the evolution of EURATOM and IAEA safeguards, the strengthening EU security, the verification of FMCT and in a European context the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. The paper will present the objectives and the scope and achievements of the VTM and highlight its relation with the non proliferation and security community, IAEA, EURATOM, EU Member States laboratories and institutions, US DOE, and other associations in particular with INMM IS Division and NAC Division.