The nuclear fuel cycle industry in Russia currently processes foreign-owned nuclear material. The Russian Government acknowledges this in the “Regulation on State Nuclear Material Control and Accounting,” which requires the control and accounting of foreign-owned nuclear material located temporarily in the Russian Federation. In 2004, Rosatom began the task of developing the accounting procedures for Russian organizations to report inventory information on the foreign-owned material located temporarily in the Russian Federation. Rosatom’s specialists analyzed the existing regulatory documents on nuclear material control and accounting in Russia and discussed with U.S. organizations their procedures for managing foreign-owned and foreign-obligated nuclear material located in the US. As a result of these efforts, the basic accounting principles for foreign-owned nuclear material located temporarily in the Russian Federation have been determined: • Foreign-owned nuclear material is subject to State control and accounting irrespective of its chemical or physical form, irradiation status, or the customs regime under which it was imported into the Russian Federation. • Foreign-owned nuclear material is subject to State accounting according to the procedures stipulated in current Russian Federation regulations.