Masato Hori - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Naoko Inoue - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
International confidence of nuclear nonproliferation in the peaceful nuclear program has been maintained by nuclear material management and protection and international safeguards under IAEA and NPT framework. International nuclear non-proliferation efforts have been changing from the early 1990s. UN inspections in Iraq after the first Gulf War raised doubts about the scope of international safeguards. Recent Iran and North Korea issues showed the limitations of international safeguards systems. The uncertainty of the non-proliferation situation aroused non-proliferation concerns and decreases the confidence of peaceful nuclear program. Especially, a country like Japan which has full scale nuclear fuel cycle program sometimes can be exposed to criticism. Taking this situation seriously, JAEA has conducted studies on transparency and proliferation resistance to build international confidence in its peaceful nuclear programs. Generally transparency has a role to increase confidence in activities and proliferation resistance increases confidence in the capability of the facility. Several efforts to improve the transparency such as \"Guidelines for the Management of Plutonium\" are going on. Joyo Remote Monitoring System has been developed under joint study with Sandia National Laboratory to test the technology to improve transparency. Several discussions on proliferation resistance under international program such as INPRO and GEN-IV are in progress. In the area of international safeguards, the Additional Protocol drastically improves the transparency by its expanded declaration and complementary access. Recent discussion on integrated safeguards, which optimize additional protocol and traditional safeguards, enables rationalization of IAEA safeguards. This shows the further possibility of rationalization of safeguards through improvement of transparency. In the future, nuclear nonproliferation regime can be as follows; -Maintain nuclear material management and protection -Improve proliferation resistance and international authority such as IAEA certify it -Maintain compliance with international authority such as IAEA and regional transparency -Small, more efficient verification activity by international authority to confirm above material management and protection, proliferation resistance and transparency.