Human Factor and Its Role in the MPC&A Sustainability

Alexander M. Chlenov - FSUE Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
V. P. Vyskubov - Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
One of the critical aspects of sustainability under a comprehensive nuclear security program is the coordination of all operations in the area of MPC&A, related to both technology and the people using that technology. Reducing risk of accidents and erroneous or adversarial actions, developing in personnel a clear understanding of nuclear material risks, personnel’s responsibility, trust in procedures and their correct execution – all of that is a goal of nuclear and radiation security specialists, physical protection, control and accounting experts and a guarantee of nuclear site security. MPC&A effectiveness and its sustainability depends to a large extent on how competent the personnel are, how well the new technologies are used, and how they handle non-standard situations. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the importance of the human factor for MPC&A sustainability, with a particular focus on the critical role of professional skills, personal qualities, and social responsibility of nuclear facility personnel.