Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Program for MPC&A System Performance Testing at FSUE “Research Institute of Scientific Instruments”

Taisia A. Piskureva - FSUE Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Alexander M. Chlenov - FSUE Research Institute of Scientific Instruments
Nuclear sites represent multifactorial danger when a loss of control over a reactor, theft of nuclear materials or an information security breach may lead to disastrous effects on a regional or even global scale. MPC&A systems at nuclear sites represent a sophisticated socio-technical complex that includes various functions of safeguarding nuclear materials and ensuring their physical protection. In this respect, to reduce risk levels when handling nuclear materials, the highest significance is placed on effective operation of all components of the nuclear material physical protection, control and accounting along with effective operation of the protective forces. That may be achieved by planned performance testing of all system elements. This presentation highlights mechanisms to ensure reliable MPC&A system performance in the context of a specific site, with great attention paid to the importance of implementation of the Comprehensive Performance Testing Program for MPC&A system in cooperation with the protective forces using performance evaluation criteria for specific system elements including regulatory base, technical and organizational components, along with testing of the safeguards and security awareness level when handling nuclear materials. It is important to base this program on consistency in testing the performance of the system elements and the system as a whole, analysis of the testing results, and documentation of equipment failures due to either technical issues or errors committed by personnel in the course of its operation.