In 1943, about 22,000 people came to rural East Tennessee to do whatever was necessary to end World War II. As part of the Manhattan Project, the Y-12 National Security Complex (NSC) was built as an integral site in the development of the first atomic weapons. Initially, the Y-12 NSC had one clearly defined mission and this mission was to support the nuclear weapon stockpile. This was a simplified material management effort in that all material was in support of a single customer; the Department of Energy (DOE) Defense Programs. As peace treaties between the United States (U.S.) and various other countries were implemented, Nuclear Nonproliferation came to the fore front and excess material declarations were signed into effect that required the Y-12 NSC to increase the missions it supported. The Y-12 NSC missions not only expanded vertically in the number of customers supplied material, but also horizontally in the various Programs supported within the Department of Energy. The Y-12 NSC currently supports the following missions: Providing critical elements of DOE missions that ensure the safety, reliability, and performance of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile; Supplying special nuclear material for use in naval reactors; Supplying special nuclear material for fuel for research reactors; Working to convert the world's research reactors from highly enriched uranium fuel to low-enriched uranium fuel; Promoting international nuclear safety and nonproliferation; Down blending weapon-grade material; Disposing of surplus highly enriched uranium in a safe, secure, and environmentally acceptable way; Removing sensitive materials and equipment from countries such as Libya; Reducing global dangers from weapons of mass destruction ; Supporting United States leadership in science and technology;