The process of development/upgrade of the physical protection system (PPS) for a nuclear site (NS) consists of a number of stages: PPS pre-design, design, and commissioning. Importance of the pre-design stage and its milestones (such as NS vulnerability analysis, categorizing physical protection objects, PPS conceptual design and development of a statement of work on development/upgrade) are emphasized. Just at this stage do they analyze vulnerable points of the site, possible threats and profiles of potential intruders, as well as develop adequate measures of counteraction. It is noted that all stages and milestones of the PPS life cycle must be supported by a regulatory basis. Regulatory documents are analyzed in the Presentation (documents developed in 1999- 2003, under development now, and those planned for development). They include also documents developed within the framework of Russian-American cooperation under MPC&A Program between MinAtom of Russia and the US Department of Energy.