Pelindaba Nondestructive Assay Program for the Measurement and Declaration of Material to the International Atomic Energy Agency

Steven E. Smith - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bert Rollen - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chris Behan - National Nuclear Security Administration
Angela Lousteau - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jeff Chapman - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Alexander Solodov - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mosa Rasweswe - South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd.
In 2001 the International Safeguards Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory was asked by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to support the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa). Shortly thereafter, the IQ-3 system was loaned from the Y-12 NDA facility to the Necsa nuclear waste material storage facility. The IQ-3 system is a fully automated, 6-HPGe detector assay system. Three of the detectors acquire two sets of spectra: passive measurement of the drum and a transmission correction using three Ba-133 sources. The other three LeGe detectors collect passive spectra for analysis by Multi-Group Analysis-Uranium (MGAU). The system has been in use since 2003 and has conducted over 17,000 measurements_clearly the workhorse of the NDA program. Additional NDA instruments were provided to support ancillary operations to the core mission: slab neutron counters, Active Well Coincidence Counters (AWCCs), U/Pu systems, and ISOCS™ systems, Eberline and Inspector 1000 systems for field measurements. This paper will present the overall plan for the utilization of these instruments for the foreseeable future at Necsa, whose core mission in the world is to produce 99Mo for the medical industry.