Countries worldwide are considering developing or expanding existing nuclear power programs to meet growing energy demand, to diversify their sources of energy, and to limit the effects of climate change. Safe, secure and sustainable operation of these new reactors will require extensive planning and preparation, possibly as much as ten to 15 years before the first nuclear plant an be brought online, particularly in countries with little nuclear infrastructure in place. The planning and preparation will focus on development of the technical, legal, regulatory and human resources needed to support a nuclear power program. Countries and institutions that can provide technical assistance are already coordinating activities and leveraging resources to ensure these nascent nuclear needs are met cost-effectively. To this end, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is hosting seminars aimed at helping countries make more informed decisions about key nuclear safety, security and nonproliferation issues. This paper discusses the challenges associated with infrastructure development, particularly in countries with limited infrastructure, and summarizes the outcomes of the seminars NNSA has held to date