Entry-into-force of the U.S. Additional Protocol (AP) in January 2009 continues to demonstrate the ongoing commitment by the United States to promote universal adherence to the AP. The AP is a critical tool for improving the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) capabilities to detect undeclared activities that indicate a clandestine nuclear weapons program. As part of the U.S. AP Implementation Act and Senate Resolution of Ratification, the Administration is required to report annually to Congress on measures taken to achieve the adoption of the AP in non-nuclear weapon states as well as assistance provided to the IAEA to promote the effective implementation of APs in those states. A key U.S. effort in this area is managed by the International Nuclear Safeguards and Engagement Program (INSEP) of the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA). Through new and existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms, INSEP has initiated technical assistance projects for AP implementation with selected non-nuclear weapon states. Currently, INSEP has joint AP implementation projects with Vietnam and Thailand, and is planning to expand this cooperation to Indonesia, Algeria, Morocco, and other interested states. The INSEP collaborative model begins with a joint assessment to help identify specific needs partner countries may have in bringing the AP into force and any possible impediments to successful implementation. An action plan is then developed, outlining and prioritizing the necessary joint activities. Types of joint activities may include: advice on developing legal frameworks and regulatory documents; workshops to promote a better understanding of AP requirements; training to determine possible declarable activities; assistance in developing a system to collect and submit declarations; performing industry outreach to raise awareness; and guidance for reporting manufacturing and export of “especially designed or prepared” equipment listed in AP Annex I/Annex II. Throughout this process, INSEP coordinates with the IAEA to ensure a consistent message. This paper describes INSEP’s current efforts and future plans to support the international implementation of the AP.