The Savannah River Site’s (SRS) H-Area B-Line (HB-Line) nuclear facility is processing neptunium solutions for stabilization as an oxide. The oxide will eventually be reprocessed and fabricated into target material and the 237Np irradiated to produce 238Pu in support of National Aeronautics and Space Administration space program missions. As part of nuclear materials accountability, solution concentrations were measured using a high-precision controlled-potential coulometer developed and manufactured at the SRS for plutonium accountability measurements.1 The Savannah River Site Coulometer system and measurement methodology for plutonium meets performance standards in ISO 12183-2005, “Controlled-Potential Coulometric Assay of Plutonium.” 2,3,4,5 The Department of Energy (DOE) does not produce or supply a neptunium metal certified reference material, which makes qualifying a measurement method and determining accuracy and precision difficult. Testing and performance of the Savannah River Site Coulometer indicates that it can be used to measure neptunium process solutions and dissolved neptunium oxide without purification for material control and accountability purposes. Savannah River Site’s Material Control and Accountability organization has accepted the method uncertainty for accountability and product characterization measurements.