The International Atomic Agency (IAEA) information circular The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/225/Rev.3) states that, AThe primary factor in determining the physical protection measures against the unauthorized removal of nuclear material is the material itself....@, and the circular provides a nuclear material categorization table. Since INFCIRC/225 serves as the international standard for the physical protection of nuclear material, and the level of recommend protection is a function of the material=s categorization; the latter should be unambiguous and should include all types of nuclear material found widely in the world. IAEA guidance on the physical protection of nuclear material has evolved since its initial publication in 1972 as the AGrey Book;@ however, guidance on categorization of nuclear material has remained largely unchanged. This article suggests that the INFCIRC/225 categorization table should be revised to better address the physical protection of material containing plutonium.