Safeguards Implementation at Rokkasho Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities

Tomonori Iwamoto - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
S. Uehara - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
K. Fujimaki - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Tsuyoshi SANPEI - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Japan, in which energy resources are scarce, relies over 80% of total energy supply on the import from foreign countries, and it is very important for our country to secure a long-term stable energy supply. Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL) currently aims to help complete the nuclear fuel cycle at Rokkasho Village in Aomori prefecture, which will ensure the supply of semi-national energy by using the uranium fuel repeatedly. And JNFL is also focusing on the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) operation as the core of the nuclear fuel cycle and its MOX fuel fabrication plant (J-MOX) as well. Currently, RRP is at the final stage of Active Test towards the start of commercial operation, and J-MOX is under safety review by the Government towards the start of construction. JNFL now already operates three types of facilities; the Uranium Enrichment Plant, the Vitrified Waste Storage Center, and Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center. To put those nuclear facilities in operation, it is essential to properly implement safeguards in conformity with relevant international agreements and local laws & regulations, as well as safety and security. Particularly, JNFL has vigorously challenged to attain effective and efficient safeguards systems at RRP, which is a first large scale commercial reprocessing plant among the non-nuclear weapon countries, under the cooperation with the Inspectorate side from the early stage of construction. This paper focuses on, among the nuclear fuel cycle facilities, the core facilities as RRP and J-MOX, and briefly describes how JNFL has been or is tackling with the establishment of safeguards systems at these two facilities.