First trial to study the feasibility of direct plutonium mass measurement in a process tank by a new NDA - Advanced Solution Measurement and Monitoring System -

Tomonori Iwamoto - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Takayuki Tamura - Reprocessing Business Division, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Hironobu Nakamura - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Takashi Hosoma - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)
Akikazu Takaya - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
JNFL and JAEA have collaboratively started to develop an Advanced Solution Measurement and Monitoring System (ASMS) for Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant since 2007 as a trial base. The purpose of the development is to establish direct quantitative plutonium mass measurement technique by NDA of high concentrated pure plutonium nitrate solution in a process tank. If it is established, ASMS provides direct Pu mass measurement and monitoring capability, substitutes for sampling and analysis at IIV, and extends process monitoring to safety purposes. The target of the measurement uncertainty is set less than 6% (1?) which is equivalent to the detection level of partial defect at IIV by NDA. The principle is similar to the one of NDA for MOX powder, but extended such as introducing variable alpha depends on solution properties. As a first trial, a simple prototype system was constructed and tested at Plutonium Conversion Development Facility of JAEA. Prior to the installation, MCNP calculations for entire cell and tank were performed. Two detectors with a gap were installed just center of the annular tank, then we carried out calibration using plutonium nitrate solution in the range up to 52kgPu. Consequently, good consistency between calculation and measured singles/doubles count rate were obtained. As a feasibility study, it was necessary to find out subjects to be solved. We would like to present benefits of ASMS, review installation and detector setup and summarize preliminary calibration results.