In October 1995, the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) was designated as the Department of Energy (DOE) lead laboratory for the disposition of DOE-owned spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program (NSNFP) was established with primary responsibility for integrating SNF technology development and management activities to satisfy the following objectives: • Assure safe existing storage (resolve vulnerabilities) by 2002, • Achieve dry interim storage by 2006, and • Prepare for final geologic disposition by 2015. Per a policy decision, final disposition of DOE-owned spent nuclear fuel will be via direct disposal in a mined geologic disposal system (MGDS), such as the proposed Yucca Mountain site being investigated in Nevada. Investigation, characterization, licensing, and opening of a MGDS for spent nuclear fuel from both commercial and DOE sources is not expected before 2010 and 2015, respectively. Prior to this, existing DOE SNF will be managed, safely stored, and prepared for transport to the geologic site.