Hong-Lae Chang - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Michael Zentner - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Echkard Haas - International Atomic Energy Agency
Jeremy Whitlock - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
W. I. Ko - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Keyuan Zhou - China Institute of Atomic Energy
Filippo Sevini - European Commission, Ispra
G. G. M. Cojazzi - European Commission Joint Research Centre
The goal of the IAEA Collaborative Project on “Acquisition/diversion pathway analysis for the assessment of proliferation resistance (PRADA)” of Phase 2 of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) is to develop a methodology for evaluating User Requirement 4 of INPRO Proliferation Resistance (PR) methodology with regard to the multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation. A case study has been carried out based on the DUPIC fuel cycle. A systematic approach has been developed to identify and analyze high- level pathways for the acquisition of weapons-usable material in the DUPIC fuel cycle, and the pathway to divert fresh DUPIC fuel from the storage bay of the power plant has been further analyzed based on the conceptual design and process information of the DUPIC fuel cycle and logic trees. The segments of this pathway were evaluated in terms of the material characteristics, technical availability, safeguardability, quality and quantity of the material, etc., as specified in User Requirements 1, 2 and 3 of the INPRO PR methodology. This was done to work out potential assessment procedures and metrics in order to evaluate the multiplicity and robustness of barriers against proliferation. This paper reports on the overall picture of the PRADA project, including some of the results.