Since the INPRO Collaborative Project on Proliferation Resistance and Safeguardability Assessment Tools (PROSA) was launched in 2011, Member State experts have worked with the INPRO Section and the Safeguards Concepts and Planning Division of the IAEA to develop a revised methodology for self-assessment of proliferation resistance (PR) of a nuclear energy system (NES). Within the limits of State self-evaluation, this opportunity to input “good practice” technical advice, informing important policy decisions affecting NES sustainability, is expected to be well received if the assessment is easy to understand and to perform. The revised approach emphasizes the evaluation of a new “User Requirement” for “safeguardability.” This User Requirement combines metrics of effective and efficient implementation of IAEA Safeguards including “Safeguards by Design” principles. In addition, the project members recommend adopting a streamlined approach to INPRO methodology PR assessment reducing the evaluation from five to three User Requirements, taking into consideration whether the NES contains proven, evolutionary or innovative technologies. The assessment has been reconfigured as a linear process evaluating the NES against a “Basic Principle” in the area of proliferation resistance. The previous semi-quantitative evaluation scales, from “very weak” to “very strong,” have been abandoned in favor of a questionnaire approach that clearly identifies gaps and weaknesses. Gaps include prospects for improvement and needs for research and development. The resulting assessment can then be used to support development of an action plan to address the gaps and weaknesses. The three questions addressed by the User Requirements in the assessment are: 1) Do a State’s legal commitments, policies and practices provide credible assurance of the exclusively peaceful use of the NES, including a legal basis for verification activities by the IAEA? 2) Does design and operation of the NES facilitate the effective and efficient implementation of IAEA safeguards? 3) Do the intrinsic design features and applied extrinsic institutional measures form a mutually supportive framework that enhances proliferation resistance of the NES? PROSA has made the INPRO assessment of proliferation resistance easier to understand and will provide advice to support the revision of the INPRO methodology in the area of proliferation resistance.