Computer Based Illicit Trafficking Incident Processing System for IAEA's ITDB

Hosik Yoo - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Wan-Ki Yoon - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Ickhyun Shin - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Hyungmin Seo - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Hyun-Chul Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Jeong-ho Lee - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Kook Heui Kwon - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation & Control
Jungsu Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation And Control
Since the establishment of the Illicit Trafficking Database (ITDB) in 1995, the IAEA has been compiling information on illicit trafficking incidents from its Member States. The IAEA is also disseminating the information to the Member States in a timely manner in order to assist the States in determining what actions may be appropriate with respect to a particular incident. However, it takes time for Member States to issue notifications of incidents to the IAEA, since there are several steps needed to be taken before preparing a notification. In light of this situation, KINAC has developed the computer based Illicit Trafficking Incident Processing System (ITIPS) which can improve the timeliness of notification of incident by Member States. The computer system is composed of two smart-phone applications and web application. The one of the smart-phone applications is for a person who wants to give an illicit trafficking tip off. And the other smart-phone application is for investigators or analysts who can investigate the incident or carry out chemical assay of material. And the web application is to acquire the information from an informant and the results from investigators or analysts. This paper describes main features and development of the ITIPS. It also explains how the ITIPS can enhance the timeliness of notification of incident and how it can help the ITDB Member States to establish a domestic system for collection, investigation and report of incident to the IAEA.