Nuclear regime has been evolved focusing mainly on the nuclear non-proliferation. Physical protection was introduced as an element to support it. Since the September 11, concern on the nuclear security was increased and nuclear security regime has been strengthened. These efforts were culminated in the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). NSS successfully drew attention, at the highest level, to the need to secure nuclear material and thus prevent nuclear terrorism. It claimed to secure all vulnerable nuclear material around the world within four years. Through NSS, steps how to secure nuclear materials, combat against smuggling; by way of deterring, detecting and disrupting attempts at nuclear terrorism were discussed. It seems that drastic reduction of the weapon-usable nuclear material, strengthening of the nuclear security system in each state, international collaboration in an improved way has been achieved through NSS process. The 2014 Hague NSS was expected to be the last NSS; however, it was extended two more years to finalize the NSS in the US, where it initiated the NSS process. Post NSS has long been discussed since 2010. There are many suggestions for the Post NSS; however, there are no agreed solutions yet. It is because that the level of threat is different from state to state, and the state is solely responsible for the nuclear security in its territory. Most agree on the necessity of the nuclear security governance but the consensus on ‘how to establish the new regime’ is still questionable. Moreover, collaboration to share the good practice on the nuclear security is important, however, confidentiality of the information is more important in nuclear security. These are reasons to make the nuclear security collaboration difficult. The goal of this paper is to propose ways to continue the momentum. For this purpose, 1) Nuclear security culture of all level 2) Human resource development to regulate and implement security 3) establishment of stateof-the-art security system are required in the domestic level. Sharing of the good practice and information would be also important. In this paper, we will review the roles of the COE to continue the momentum in the technical view.