The recent Review and Extension Conference of the NPT, the increasing opportunities and incentives for cooperation with Eastern European countries, the implementation of special inspections and regional safeguards systems as well as the need for an enhanced detection capability for undeclared installations form the international scene for current Safeguards research and development activities. ESARDA’S response to new international developments is swiffly reflected in the research and development activities as reported in the working groups, seminars and conferences and in the initiatives taken by its Steering Committee. The main programme features for 1996 and 1997 are described. The 1996 Internal ESARDA meeting provided for an exchange of views between chemistryand safiiards-oriented learned societies to confront their experience with quality assurance, measurement validation and interactions between regulatory needs and analytical-technological developments. Developments in high precision trace analysis will be presented at a specialists meeting on techniques for nuclear signatures in the environment. Ajoint seminar with IN/MM will be held on advanced sensors, information treatment and decision technologies applicable to sdeguards issues. Finally an exchange of views and experience is organised in a workshop at the Russian Institute for Physics and Power Engineering. In addition to intorrnation on the current mainstreams in the ESARDA activities, the conclusions of the ESARDA 1996 Internal Meeting are presented.