Process and Item Monitoring Lessons Learned at the Y-12 National Security Complex

Rachel Hayes - Y-12 National Security Complex
Process and Item Monitoring are two separate programs in place at the Y-12 National Security Complex. The success of each of these programs was vital to the success of the Safeguards First Principles Initiative (SFPI) implemented in 2007 at the site. Process Monitoring was implemented gradually among the various Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) processing areas and has evolved as processes and needs changed. Item Monitoring was implemented by Material Balance Area (MBA) with the SFPI. Many issues have been identified and worked as both of these programs have matured. Some of those include the development of an appropriate tracking system for each of the two programs, training issues, transaction clocking issues, clarification of responsibilities, and many more. This presentation will provide details of the many Lessons Learned identified and resolved through the evolution of these two programs. This paper discusses each program, its history, current status, and lessons learned separately.