Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee was established for one purpose – production. The accountability requirements of the WWII era pale in comparison to the needs of today. However, the design of the systems has changed very little in the last fifty years, which creates a challenge for implementing modern process monitoring techniques based on unit measurements. Since the Department of Energy (DOE) intends to make process monitoring a requirement, BWXT Y-12 elected to be on the forefront of imposing an internally structured plan. The process monitoring needs at Y-12 were determined to be not just for material control, but also for material accountability. Significant cultural changes are required, from upper management to the individual operator, to appreciate the benefits of changes needed to support the enhanced accountability environment. The implementation plan for a modern process monitoring program begins with establishing a trusting relationship with all applicable organizations. This relationship is absolutely imperative to supporting a culture change, and must be continuous throughout the implementation and maintenance of the program. Extensive study must be done on the current process to understand normal process flow and variation, and to determine if process changes are needed. Communication between organizations is key for each step of the implementation, as the established program for each area will most likely experience multiple revisions. The end result is a more integrated workforce and proactive accountability program.