K. Schoop - Euratom Safeguards Directorate
G. Neumann - Dr. Neumann Consultants -- Germany
K. Gaertner - InternationalAtomic Energy Agency
B. Richter - Forschungszentrum Juelich
Optical surveillance is one of the most important safeguards measures applied by Euratom and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Whereas the replacement programme for analogue single-camera video systems by digital technology started in early 1999, the multi-camera systems in the field are still the MXTV (Multiplex TV Surveillance System) and the MOSS (Multi-camera Optical Surveillance System). Both systems were developed more than a decade ago and their analogue technology is gradually getting obsolete. In 1996, the German Support Programme to the IAEA completed the development of the Digital Camera Module DCM 14 with integrated authentication, encryption, local storage, and battery back-up capability. Aiming towards standardising equipment configurations the DCM 14 became the core component for four surveillance systems: the All-In-One System (ALIS), the Digital Single Camera Optical Surveillance system (DSOS), the Server Digital Image Surveillance system (SDIS), and the Digital Multi-camera Optical Surveillance System (DMOS). ALIS, DSOS and SDIS are already in ‘Category A’ of safeguards equipment that is used for routine inspections. DMOS development and evaluation will be completed in the first half of AD 2000. DMOS is a customised safeguards equipment with a modular structure in connection with commercial off the shelf components. The system provides functions required for unattended surveillance as well as for remote monitoring applications with up to 32 cameras and the capability to integrate with other C/S equipment and NDA. The development activities accommodate expected changes of technology, particularly in the field of digital storage (magnetic, optical, and solid-state) and further improvements in server-PC technology. The paper describes the functions and features of the system as well as some applications.