B. Richter - ForschungszentrumJuelichGmb@ D-52425 Juelich
M. Swinhoe - Euratom Safeguards Directorate
U. Hacker - Hacker & Partner
W. Lewis - International Atomic Energy Agency
R. Arlt - International Atomic Energy Agency
Under the German Programme in Support of the International Atomic Energy Agency the VXIbus (VXI=Versa Module Europe-bus Extension for Instrumentation) technology has been selected as a standard integration platform for safegprds instrumentation of diflierent provenience. Work is under way towards &veloping a suitable system architecture and modular components for application in International Safeguards. High reliability and robustness are major requirements, and so are unattended in-field collection of large amounts of data. The basic and advanced &sign principles for the collection and integration software are accounted for. The paper describes a model system produced to &monstrate an unattended monitoring application using high data rate timer/counter and detector preamplifier/power supply modules with VXlbus backplane.