In 2004, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) formed a collaboration to develop an Advanced Transparency Framework capable of building trust relationships between political entities through the analysis of inherent process data. Phase I of this collaboration was to outline the framework and develop a path forward for demonstration on proof-of-concept. The results of Phase I were documented and published in a framework and methodology report (Love et al, 2006). In 2006, Phase II of this collaboration was initiated. Phase II had two primary goals: 1) the development of a risk algorithm that could take inherent operational data and calculate diversion risk, 2) the development of prototype software capable of analyzing the operational data in real-time. Phase II is currently being demonstrated at the Monju Fuel Handling Training Model at the International Nuclear Information and Training Center in Tsuruga City, Japan. Major accomplishments of this Phase have been: 1. Demonstrating the capability to extract and format large amounts of system data from an automated facility. 2. Conducting secure transmissions of the data from the source to a remote location for analysis. 3. Documenting the principles of proliferation and diversion risk in relation to advanced transparency. 4. Identifying a strategy to integrate and optimize plant design and declared activities into diversion risk calculations. 5. Developing a risk model that utilizes intrinsic systems data to calculate diversion risk in real time, assuming the intrinsic process data from the facility is secure and tamper resistant. 6. Developing prototypes of the software pieces that support the advanced transparency framework application. * This work jointly sponsored by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency and Sandia National Laboratories under a Memorandum of Understanding No. 05-S-430. Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Technical Accomplishments of Phase II of the Advanced Transparency Framework Cleary, Méndez, McFadden, Rochau 7. Documenting the functional and technical requirements for the Advanced Transparency Application, capable of collecting intrinsic process data in real-time, securely transmitting the data to a remote location, and utilizing the data to identify changes in diversion risk. This paper will summarize the technical advancements during Phase II and outline our path forward for Phase III, “Demonstration of the Advanced Transparency Framework at a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facility.”