An Ion Emission Source for Portable Active Interrogation

Andrew Benwell - University of Missouri, Columbia
S. Kovaleski - University of Missouri, Columbia
John Gahl - University of Missouri
E. Baxter - University of Missouri
J. Kwon - University of Missouri
Detection of nuclear materials in containers is possible by probing the container with energetic particles to induce a measurable nuclear reaction. This form of active interrogation could be used in the shipping industry to quickly locate illicit material at large shipping hubs. In order for active interrogation to become a viable method for detection, active interrogation systems must become highly portable. The University of Missouri is developing an ultra compact deuterium ion accelerator to induce D-D fusion as a source of neutrons for detection purposes. The portable system employs a small high voltage accelerator to which a field desorption ion emitting structure can be fixed. The structure will desorb deuterium ions that are then accelerated into a deuterated target inducing a D + D ? 3He + n reaction. The 2.6-MeV neutron that is produced can be used for probing containers to determine if radioactive material is present. Emission structures are being considered in single, patterned and unpatterned arrays made of molybdenum and tungsten with varying field enhancement. Ion emission resulting from the various types of structures is measured and presented along with details of their design and manufacture.