The Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) is a recently funded Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration effort consisting of a team of thirteen universities and nine national laboratories. The team is committed to performing cutting---edge research and educating the next generation of nuclear---nonproliferation specialists. The team is addressing the major gaps and emerging challenges in treaty verification through six thrust areas: (i) treaty verification: characterizing existing gaps and emerging challenges, (ii) fundamental data and techniques, (iii) advanced safeguards tools for accessible facilities, (iv) detection of undeclared activities and inaccessible facilities, (v) disarmament verification, and (vi) education and outreach. In this paper, we discuss the initial findings in the major research and development activities in each of the thrust areas above and our plans for the future. Topics include a discussion of the existing gaps and new approaches for the verification of the Treaty on the Non---Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, a Fissile Materials Cutoff Treaty, and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.