The Third International Meeting on Next Generation Safeguards (NGS3) was held in Washington, DC on 14-15 December 2010 and focused on the Safeguards by Design (SBD) concept. The IAEA has described the Safeguards by Design (SBD) concept as an approach in which ?international safeguards are fully integrated into the design process of a new nuclear facility from the initial planning through design, construction, operation, and decommissioning.? The United States Department of Energy has initiated a project by way of its Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) to establish a global norm for the use of SBD. The NGSI SBD program is being developed in parallel with a similar effort at the IAEA, while taking into account the IAEA‘s SBD achievements and future plans. The NGSI program is pursuing the establishment of a SBD global norm through DOE laboratory studies, international workshops, engagement with industry and the IAEA, and setting an example by way of its use in new nuclear facilities in the United States. The objective of the Working Group on SBD for Aqueous Reprocessing Facilities was to provide recommendations, for facility operators and designers, which would aid in the coordination and integration of nuclear material accountancy and the safeguards requirements of all concerned parties – operators, state/regional authorities, and the IAEA. The recommendations, which are to be provided to the IAEA, are intended to assist in optimizing facility design and operating parameters to ensure the safeguardability of the facility while minimizing impact on the operations. The one day Working Group session addressed a wide range of design and operating topics. These topics can be generally categorized as: • Physical design and its =verifiability‘; • Facility nuclear materials accountancy measures; • Transparency of operations and operating procedures; • Accommodation and accessibility for inspectors; and • Plant administration and safeguards culture. This paper will report on the discussion topics and present details of the final recommendations of the NGS3 Aqueous Reprocessing Plant Working Group. Keywords: Safeguards; Design; NGSI; Reprocessing