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The following calculation result analysis has been performed for consequences of terrorists´ attack (with the light antitank grenade launcher (LAGL) using) on a nuclear fuel being transported. A cumulative jet, formed in a grenade explosion (explosion is the result of the grenade impact on a nuclear fuel cask), can break steel wall through 500 - 1000 mm thick. That is much thicker than a steel wall of any transporting nuclear fuel cask. The calculations were made for the hit on a cask of TK-13 type, with a spent fuel from VVER-1000 nuclear power reactor. The cumulative jet makes a hole of about 10 mm in the cask wall, so causing destruction of 5 kg spent nuclear fuel of about 3.9×103 Ci activity. The result analysis shows that the activity, releasing through the cask wall breach, may count up to 30 Ci. The radioactive contamination zone (where an annual effective doze exceeds 1 mSv) at the activity release expands on an area about 1 km2, that is considered unacceptable.