Much had changed ove rth epast year in the MPC&A Program. Just looking at the U.S. non-governmental organizational (NGO) perspectives on the program present by Bill Potter of the Monterey Institure of International Studies (MIIS) at the 1997 and 1998 INMM annual meetings gives one a sense of how far we have come, and how far we still have to go. In the later catergot, it is important to not that only a small faction of bomb-ready nuclear material outside of weapons is in upgadedfacilities. In Russia access problesm have gotten worse rather thatn better, and some senior russians complain of an erosion in the sense of paternership generated during the early years of the MPC&A program. In addition, as Bill has noted in his previous papers, there are substatial concerns about the security of fissile materials i nthe non-Russian Republics.