Solution monitoring (SM) is a component of improved nuclear safeguards in some facilities, but there are open challenges for SM. For example, no evaluation method has emerged as a clear favorite, nor has a framework been developed for quantifying its benefits. In addition, if one views SM as one safeguards component among many then there will be options regarding how to report SM analyses to a supervisory system that receives data and/or information from all safeguards subsystems. This paper describes possible scoring systems for SM data evaluations assuming the SM system will report to a supervisory system. A simple 2-tank system is used to illustrate, consisting of an input tank that ships to a ³EODFN??ER[´??DQG??RXWSXW??WDQN??WKDW??UHFHLYHV??IURP??WKH??VDPH??³EODFN??ER[??´??,I??WKH??RXWSXW??WDQN??LV??PLVVLQJ??QXFOHDU?? material, there must be observables generated corresponding to the undeclared nuclear material pathways inside the black box. The black box represents inventory tanks, processing equipment, and all other relevant features of the balance area.