The Euratom Cooperative Support Programme to IAEA Safeguards

M. Cuypers - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
The technical support programme of the Commission of the European Communities to IAEA safeguards has undergone important changes over the last few years and has been reoriented to address some important technical issues for the implementation of IAEA safeguards. The paper presents the main achievements in the areas of: - Nuclear material accountancy information treatment. - Measurement techniques, including analytical techniques with special emphasis on their application in reprocessing plants, non-destructive assay, volume and weight measurements of liquid masses. - Surveillance and sealing/identification techniques. - Training of inspectors in the application of different techniques developed at JRC or used jointly with EURATOM inspectors in EC facilities. The support programme is based on an extensive cooperation with similar programmes of Member States of the European Community and with others such as from Canada, Japan, Russia and US. The need to improve and increase in the future the integration of IAEA support programmes will be emphasized.