The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Safeguards and Security Mission is “To contribute, in partnership with others, to the Nation’s security by protecting the Department’s people and internal critical infrastructure, and America’s nuclear stockpile stewardship capabilities from a spectrum of diverse threats.” The Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance (SSA), through the Office of Technology and Field Assistance, charges the Office of Technology to support this mission by deploying innovative safeguards and security technologies throughout the DOE, including the National Nuclear Security Administration, (DOE complex) in order to improve security and reduce or offset security operations costs in response to the Department’s Design Basis Threat (DBT) Policy. The Office of Technology’s deployment mission is to operationally evaluate security technologies at Departmental sites and distributes the data and lessons learned from those evaluations to other sites throughout the complex. This process enables security managers to make informed decisions about which security technologies are best suited to meet their site-specific protection needs.