The Use of Enhanced Technologies in Storage, Reporting and Data Analysis of Nuclear Material Information

Carol R. Raeder - U.S. Department of Energy
Daniel Farmer - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Helen Burns - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Thomas L. Williams - Department of Energy
Introduction With the Savannah River Site having a broad base of programs occurring at its facilities, both locally and externally sponsored, there are several different technologies employed for the storage, reporting and data analysis of its nuclear information. These tasks fall to an organization in the Information Technology Services Department of the Westinghouse Savannah River Company, the Accountability Systems Unit. This Unit is responsible for the engineering and maintenance of systems used by the Safeguards and Security, Materials Management, and Radiological Services organizations. Full software and system lifecycle support (conceptual design, construction, testing, installation and operation) are provided to these organizations through the direct and coordinated efforts of the Accountability Systems Unit. All work performed by the Accountability Systems Unit meets all applicable DOE orders for software engineering and quality. While the functions of these various systems differ, there is a core underlying collection of data elements that drive these systems and allow the Accountability Systems Unit to leverage a synergistic approach to the development of the systems. This underlying data is the book values of the nuclear materials on inventory at the Savannah River Site and other DOE facilities.