Since 1978 the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) International Safeguards Program has conducted policy analysis, strategies and technology development, international cooperation and training to support the formulation and implementation of international safeguards. The end of the Gulf War (1991), the end of the Cold War (1992), and the trend towards regional ization of safeguards has led to increased U.S. and international attention to the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation and the need for significantly greater support to nonproliferation policy making and implementation activities. As a result, DOE's International Safeguards Program has undergone substantial growth and has continued to focus its resources on the priority issues which are part of today's and tomorrow's world. In order to effectively and efficiently conduct and manage these activities the International Safeguards Program has developed and continues to refine and implement a strategic plan. This plan provides guidance for the activities conducted by support organizations and makes the program objectives and activities more transparent to other interested parties. The Strategic Plan centralizes into one document the mission, priorities, resources, activities, and operating procedures of DOE's International Safeguards Program. Program.