Panel - International Safeguards: Enrichment Safeguards Technology Developments and Implementation

Brian Boyer - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The INMM International Safeguards Division (ISD) sponsored this Enrichment Special Session. The panel portion of this session allows for open discussion of topics from three sessions on enrichment safeguards.. These sessions include this one entitled “International Safeguards: Enrichment Safeguards Technology Developments and Implementation” as well as the sessions “International Safeguards: Enrichment Safeguards Technology Developments and Implementation” and “International Safeguards: Measurement Technology for Tracking Uranium Materials in Conversion, Enrichment and Fuel Fabrication.” The authors of the papers from these sessions and other experts in the field will be available to discuss in detail their work in relation to the major concerns of enrichment safeguards. The enrichment safeguards panel has been a tradition of ISD over the last several years with excellent discussions and ideas exchanged.